
Plant DIY

Blooms, Plant DIY

Simple Mason Bee House

It is finally time to get back out in our gardens. So, today I am working on building a simple mason bee house that will welcome those lovely pollinators to my yard. Here is what you need: Hollow bamboo 6″-9″…

Plant DIY, Tales from the Sill

Let’s Make a Bee Nest

Ever since I locked eyes with my bee friend, while putting together the coleus guide, I became really curious about bees. I am especially interested in identifying bees, how they help pollinate our gardens and what their day to day…

Plant DIY

What to do with all that Basil?

It is harvest season! Time to pick your vegetables, harvest your seeds and bring in those plants. If you are like me, you have an overabundance of basil and not enough time to eat it all. With this simple hack…