You might have a co-worker, neighbor or hard to shop for friend that deserves beautiful plant presents this holiday season. Not sure which plants to give? Here is a list of 5 wonderful, low-maintenance plants that make perfect plant presents.
Christmas Cactus:
So this one is a little predictable, but I am telling you, this low-maintenance plant makes a great gift. It also looks great even when it itsn’t in bloom. It just so happens that I received a Christmas Cactus last year and I have loved it ever since. Tell your friend to keep it in bright, indirect light and water it when the soil is dry or the pot feels light. It is just that simple!

Paperwhite or Amaryllis bulbs:
So simple, these don’t require any care. All you do is place the bulb on a tray with rocks (to hold the bulb above the water) and water or use a special bulb vase. Make sure only the roots are in the water. This will force the paperwhite bulb to bloom and voila you have a great holiday gift. The blooms are beautiful and very fragrant. Your co-worker can put this on their desk, low light or bright, and have a lovely daily reminder of your plant generosity.
Aglaonema “Chinese Evergreen”
I am sure you have seen these on the shelf are your favorite big box hardware store. Economical, beautiful and easy going makes this plant a perfect plant present. They are good in medium to bright indirect light and can handle some neglect. Water after the top portion of the soil has dried and if you miss a watering, don’t worry, it will be just fine.
Alright, so this one is a little more picky, but look at how pretty! Brighten up someones day with a large, colorful bromeliad. When watering, fill up the base of the plant with water and change it out every couple weeks. This plants are often found epiphytically so you really don’t even need soil. That being said, it does require some humidity and bright indirect light. I would put this plant on the more intermediate side of care. Honestly, they don’t have a super long indoor life so give this plant knowing that in a couple months or so, it will be gone. Don’t go to your friends and ask to see the plant you gave them expecting it to be perfect. It’s likely to be dead, so give this one, knowing its probably on its way out anyway.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Calandiva”
My favorite pick of the litter! Kalanchoe “Calandiva” has mounds of tight little rosette flowers that bloom around the holidays. You can find it in red and white and possible some other colors. It is super economical going for around $5 bucks. Since it is a succulent, it can handle going dry in between waters. So that lucky neighbor can set it on their holiday table and forget it…for a bit. Set it in bright indirect light, with warm temps and this beauty will enhance any holiday season

Honorable Mentions:
Poinsettia: Such a cliche, but still lovely. The Poinsettia is a great holiday plant if you want to be predictable.
Anthurium: A little harder to care for, but beautiful all the same. Pick up a red anthurium and place it in a small decorative cache pot and you are sure to please any one on your list. Also considered poisonous.

Resurrection plant: So this one is a pricey bet, but what says christmas more than something named “RESURRECTION” plant, a.k.a. the “Rose of Jericho“. It requires special care and is something of a novelty. When dry it curls into a ball and then when you place the roots on water it unfurls. It has a “evergreen” quality making very festive for winter.
Ming Fern: This fern is not as picky as some others because it is not really a fern at all. It flowers in spring and summer, but looks sort of like a Christmas tree. Unlike most traditional ferns, the Ming is drought tolerant making a great house plant.

If you are in the market for more plant presents that are specific to plant hoarding people, check out my plant gift guide for plant people!