I believe there has been a myth circulating that succies are easy care and don’t require a lot of attention. When in fact, they require a lot of attention. Well drained soil, proper watering and light are all necessary for success. Always err on the side of neglect as underwatering is easier to solve than overwatering.
Recently, I picked up this Jade “Gollum”. It is an interesting succulent that will be a great addition to my collection and a potential succulent arrangement I plan to work on in the future. Unfortunately, when I saw this little guy, it was badly malnourished and neglected. Just by looking, this jade’s wrinkled leaves tell me that it is in need of water.
Of course, I negotiated a fair price of one dollar, brought him home and began to nurture the succulent back to health. Check back to see how “Gollum” progresses and if he can recover.
Update: This wrinkly Jade has since been potted with some sweet echeveria I purchased online and has since recovered and started sprouting beautiful new growth. Ignore the white spots, we have very hard water and this little “Gollum” seems to be expelling some minerals. I wouldn’t agree that succulents easy to care for, but this guy proves that they are very forgiving.
Jade “Gollum” Propagation:
You can propagate this succulent similarly to any succulent. Simple cut a piece of healthy stem with one or two leaves or use just a healthy leaf. Once you cut the stem or pull the leaf, let it callous over for a few days. When the end is healed and pale, place the stem of your cutting into a cactus mix. If using a leaf, just put the end of your leaf in a small depression in your potting medium.
You can use a clear plastic bag or clear plastic cup and create a makeshift green house. Spray your soil often and keep in a warm sunny spot. Check for roots after a week or two.
Hi, I have a gollum that thrived for 6 months but now looks like yours did. I had been diligent about only watering once a week but now I think this room is too dry and maybe I let the soil dry out too much. Do you think, if it survives, that it might need watering more than once a week? Is there any reliable way to tell if my problem is over- or underwatering? Thank you!
Do you have it in a pot with a proper drainage hole? Are you using succulent soil? You can shoot me some photos on Instagram @suburbansill and we can try to troubleshoot.
I recently purchased a bonsai jade, definitely splurged on it. I didn’t notice for the first few weeks because it is soooo hard to see but I repotted it today and afterwards I found bugs underneath in one of the nooks and crannies. The plant had been dropping a lot of leaves when I first got it and potted it but I thought it was because of shock. So I repotted it in terra-cotta today and only after realized there were bugs. Do you have any advice? I really dont want it to die.
What do the bugs look like? I would recommend spraying it thoroughly with some insecticidal soap. If it mealy bugs you are dealing with, but some rubbing alcohol on a q-tip and rub the infected leaves. When you spray the plant with the insecticidal soap make sure it is dripping. You will need to probably spray once a week until you have the infestation under control.
My Gollum has been looking sort of wrinkled and getting some brown spots. I’ve had it for two years and I am not sure what changed. I don’t want it to die because I’ve seen how big and beautiful they can eat and have heard they can live for years. Please help :/
Do you see any pests on the leaves? How often are you watering and what is your lighting situation? When was the last time it was repotted? You can send me photos on Instagram @SuburbanSill and I will take a look.
Thank you. I apologize for the delay. I will be sending the pictures today. Again, thank you
But how did you nourish it back ?…My gollum looks the same…Wrinkled up…And it’s been four days since I got it…I watered it…But no changes so far…What do I do ?
I would definitely give it some more time. It might take a week or so. Make sure its in a nice warm and sunny spot. Just water as normal, only when the soil drys out. If the wrinkling gets worse, you can try some water therapy. If you want, send me a photo at [email protected] and I will take a look.